Esses testes são críticos, porque os 27 motores têm de trabalhar em uníssono e são a única hipótese de detectar eventuais problemas, antes do voo inaugural que deve acontecer ainda este mês.
Ainda por cima, Elon Musk admitiu há meses atrás, que muita coisa pode correr mal com este lançamento, pelo que, todo o cuidado é pouco...
According to the Teslarati website, static engine tests did not occur yesterday because, after a well-supplied fueling operation, problems were detected on the launch pad with one of eight pieces that hold the rocket to the ground.
These tests are critical because the 27 engines have to work in unison and are the only chance to detect any problems before the maiden flight that is expected to happen later this month.
Moreover, Elon Musk admitted months ago, that a lot can go wrong with this launch, so, all care is little ...
Falcon Heavy Imagem SpaceX |
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